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Art Gallery


Looking for information about the 2025 Art Extravaganza? Click here​.

Art Extravaganza

The Kirby Hill House Educational Foundation Inc., hosted its annual Art Extravaganza on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023. Without the support of local artists, teachers, vendors, and attending members of the public, this event would not have been the success that it was.


We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You!” to all those who participated in and attended the event.


Additionally, as a recipient of funding from the Steinhagen Benevolent Trust, the Kirby Hill House Educational Foundation would like to thank the Southeast Texas Arts Council for awarding us the opportunity to expand our artwork displays. The funds we received from this grant were used to create some of the artwork display panels used during our Art Extravaganza and Traveling Exhibitions. These display panels will afford us the ability and flexibility to display artwork throughout the years in a variety of locations.

Art Show

As part of the Art Extravaganza festivities, artists of all ages were invited to enter artworks into the Art Show in either (or both) of the two themed categories:

"Artist's Choice/Open Theme" or "Around the World: Culture and Traditions".

These works were judged and displayed during the Art Extravaganza event.

Pictures of the event and the list of award winners for this year’s exhibition are below.

Best of Show

Judges awarded a Best of Show plaque to the best student entry and adult entry.

Each of these artists also received a $25 gift card to reward their efforts. 

Adult Entry

Lynn Tanner - Pueblo Storyteller

Lynn Tanner - Pueblo Storyteller - Adult Entry

Student Entry

Perla L. - Rodeo Faces

Perla L - Rodeo Faces - 10th Grade

Gold Medals

Judges awarded Gold Medals to the best works in the various age and theme categories.

These pieces are considered "runners up" to the Best of Show.

Lydia B - The Front Porch - 1st Grade

Lydia B - The Front Porch - 1st Grade

Macie R - Space Farm - 8th Grade

Macie R - Space Farm - 8th Grade

Bilha B - Kitsune Giesha Performing with Japanese Dragon - 8th Grade

Bilha B - Kitsune Giesha Performing with Japanese Dragon - 8th Grade

Kaylee B - Cowboy Valley - 12th Grade

Kaylee B - Cowboy Valley - 12th Grade

Kaylee B - Heritage - 12th Grade

Kaylee B - Heritage - 12th Grade

Bruce Oler - Texas Cajun Feast - Adult Entry

Bruce Oler - Texas Cajun Feast - Adult Entry

Ribbon Winners

Judges awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons to works of special merit in each of the various age, theme, and media categories.

1st place 2D, Themed - Ryan A - Chinese Dragon - 8th Grade

1st place 2D, Themed - Ryan A - Chinese Dragon - 8th Grade

2nd place 2D, Themed - Jaylee U - A Trip to... - 6th Grade

2nd place 2D, Themed - Jaylee U - A Trip to... - 6th Grade

3rd place 2D, Themed - Julisa L - Indian Flower Girl - 7th Grade

3rd place 2D, Themed - Julisa L - Indian Flower Girl - 7th Grade

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Jade H - Looking at Momma - 8th Grade

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Jade H - Looking at Momma - 8th Grade

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Allison N - Enjoying the Evening Sun  - 8th Grade

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Allison N - Enjoying the Evening Sun - 8th Grade

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Lylah C - This Friend of Mine - 8th Grade

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Lylah C - This Friend of Mine - 8th Grade

1st place 2D, Themed - Kenzi H - Japanese Cherry Blossom - 12th Grade

1st place 2D, Themed - Kenzi H - Japanese Cherry Blossom - 12th Grade

2nd place 2D, Themed - Perla L - Into the Mountains - 10th Grade

2nd place 2D, Themed - Perla L - Into the Mountains - 10th Grade

3rd place 2D, Themed - Nataly L - Wrap-a-Round - 10th Grade

3rd place 2D, Themed - Nataly L - Wrap-a-Round - 10th Grade

1st place 3D, Open Theme - Leonie K - Back on Track - 11th Grade

1st place 3D, Open Theme - Leonie K - Back on Track - 11th Grade

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Kenzi H - Growing Up - 12th Grade

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Kenzi H - Growing Up - 12th Grade

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Caraline H - Man and More - 11th Grade

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Caraline H - Man and More - 11th Grade

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Perla L - Sunset Rooster - 10th Grade

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Perla L - Sunset Rooster - 10th Grade

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Madalyn Blackshear - Expressive Portrait - Adult Entry

1st place 2D, Open Theme - Madalyn Blackshear - Expressive Portrait - Adult Entry

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Tessy Cryer – Mission Monarch - Adult Entry

2nd place 2D, Open Theme - Tessy Cryer – Mission Monarch - Adult Entry

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Rebekah Warrick – Dusk - Adult Entry

3rd place 2D, Open Theme - Rebekah Warrick – Dusk - Adult Entry

1st place Photography, Themed - Bruce Oler - Antique Texas Rail Car - Adult Entry

1st place Photography, Themed - Bruce Oler - Antique Texas Rail Car - Adult Entry

3rd place Photography, Themed - Bruce Oler – Texas Cast Netting - Adult Entry

3rd place Photography, Themed - Bruce Oler – Texas Cast Netting - Adult Entry

Traveling Exhibition

This year there were nearly 100 artworks submitted to the Art Extravaganza judges. The works selected for the traveling exhibition represent the judges’ favorite entries as each of these earned a Gold Medal or Best of Show award in their respective categories


Locations for the 2023 Traveling Exhibition are:

 Monday April 24th - Friday May 5th

Hardin County Courthouse Rotunda


Monday May 8th - Friday May 12th

Silsbee High School


Thank you for visiting our exhibition and for your support of local artists!


Teacher Awards

The Kirby Hill-House Educational Foundation wishes to thank participating Southeast Texas public/private school teachers for their dedication to promoting the visual arts in our community by awarding funds to supplement their art classroom supplies budgets.


Judges use a point system that takes into consideration the number and level of award-winning student artworks each teacher submitted compared to the total number of entries from that teacher, thereby rewarding quality over quantity.


Our teacher winners for 2023 are:

1st Place - $225 - Brittany Tanton - Silsbee High School

2nd Place - $175 - Colleen Puckitt - Kountze Middle School

3rd Place - $100 - Rozalia Stark - Edwards-Johnson Memorial Silsbee Middle School

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