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Art Gallery


2025 KHH Flyer

The Kirby-Hill House Educational Foundation Inc. will host its annual Art Extravaganza on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 from 10am - 4pm.


Below you will find information about the many ways you can participate in this event.


If the information you find here does not answer all your questions, please reach out to us via phone or email and we'll be happy to help!


Art Show

Artists of nearly all ages are invited to enter artworks into our Art Show for the chance to win a cash prize and take home a Best of Show award, Gold Medals, or 1st-3rd place ribbons.


Artworks will be displayed inside the Kirby-Hill House during the Art Extravaganza event and in locations around Southeast Texas as part of a Traveling Exhibition in the weeks following the event.


Please view the information in the links below for contest rules, entry forms, and other information you will find useful when creating or selecting artwork to submit for the Art Show.

General Information (all entries)

Information For Public

Information For
Teachers & Students

Teacher Inventory Form

Teachers, links to the inventory form will become active on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.

Note: Whichever format you choose, we recommend completing your Inventory Form on a laptop or desktop. It tends not to display properly on a mobile device.

To see pictures of the festivities and award winners from previous Art Extravaganza events, please click below.  

Art Show

Traveling Exhibition

In addition to being on display at the Kirby-Hill House during the Art Extravaganza event, artwork that receives a Gold Medal or Best of Show award will participate in a Traveling Exhibition that will tour Southeast Texas locations from Monday, April 28th through Friday, May 16th. This traveling exhibition will be presented for a period of at least one week in each location before moving to the next location.


Locations for the 2025 Traveling Exhibition are:


Locations TBD


Artworks will be displayed at the school campus of the Best of Show Student winner and/or first & second place winning teachers.

Traveling Exhibition

Artist Demonstrations

The Kirby is looking for few local artists/artisans who are interested in demonstrating their artistic process and techniques for and interacting with members of the public during the Art Extravaganza.


Demonstrations can be informal and ongoing throughout the event, or may scheduled for a specific timeframe within the day. We would love to work with artists who are interested in volunteering their time or who are willing to make a demonstration in exchange for a reduced booth rental fee.


If you are interested or know someone who might be, please call or email us for more information about how to participate.

Artist Demos

Booth Rental

The Kirby offers outdoor booth spaces for rent to local vendors during the Art Extravaganza event. 


Booth rental fees are $20 for each 10'x10' non-electric space.

Booth spaces do NOT have access to water or electric service.


Please read the "Booth Rental Guidelines" linked below for more information and BEFORE you reserve your booth space. 

Booth Rental Information

Booth reservations are on sale now and space is limited!


We will accept booth reservations until 5pm on Tuesday, April 22nd or until all available booth spaces have been reserved. A waitlist will be available.​

Booth Rental
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